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Why Addiction Requires Inpatient Treatment

inpatient rehabAddiction is a serious matter. When left untreated, it can debilitate a person’s life so badly that they can no longer function. Often, addiction is treated like a less serious matter than a physical illness because it is harder to quantify, but the fact of the matter is, a person’s life can and will come to a screeching halt if their addiction is not treated properly. For this reason, it is important to keep in mind that inpatient addiction treatment has been found to have the most success in helping clients recover from addiction.

In order to make a full recovery from addiction, a person must be immersed in their treatment for an extended period of time. Touch and go treatment is not the answer for someone deeply entrenched in their addiction. Someone who is struggling desperately to recover from addiction needs their recovery to be their reality for a time. The most important part of addiction treatment is enabling the addict to get back in touch with their non-addicted self. When they remember how to navigate that identity and reality, and practice it, they are safe to re-enter the world.

That time to form new habits is essential. A person’s negative thought and behavior patterns do not change over night. They are deeply ingrained psychological problems that were years in the making. Changing them requires a great deal of conscious effort, that typically needs guidance. Navigating our own psychologies can be nearly impossible without help, which is why having professional counselors and social workers in the same environment as the addict is invaluable.

And finally, the security that a recovering addict receives from the inpatient treatment environment is very beneficial to their recovery. Addicts who are struggling to recover from their addiction are very vulnerable people. They are prone to unstable emotions and easily triggered behavior that will run rampant in the outside world. Inpatient rehab neutralizes this threat by providing the recovering addict with a totally safe environment.

How Residential Rehab Cultivates Success

residential rehabOf all the addiction treatment methods that are offered, residential rehab is the one with the strongest reputation for providing its clients with tools for recovery in the real world. The immersive treatment style of residential rehabilitation is very beneficial to those recovering from addiction and substance abuse because it gives them the time, room and tools needed to make major lifestyle changes. Other treatment methods are simply less effective because they do not impact people as much as residential rehabilitation does.

Firstly, residential rehab teaches people how to develop effective coping skills. This is of utmost importance because almost all addiction and substance abuse disorders develop because of a lack of healthy coping abilities. People turn to the object of their addiction or substance abuse in order to numb their feelings and shut down to their stress. This is not a sustainable method of coping. It leads to even worse chaos and destruction. A residential rehabilitation program can teach a person how to process their stress and react to it in a healthy manner.

Learning how to manage triggers is essential to a successful recovery from addiction or substance abuse. Triggers are what prompts the cravings that make a person indulge in their problem behavior. A trigger could be a person, place or thing; anything that one associates with their addiction or substance abuse. These triggers prompt a response from a person that is automatic and difficult to eradicate. In a residential rehabilitation program, clients are taught how to avoid their triggers and process them in a healthy way when they cannot avoid them to keep them from engaging in destructive behavior.

And lastly, residential rehab retrains a person’s thought and behavior patterns to be happier, healthier and more productive. People become addicted and abuse substances due to unhealthy thought and behavior patterns that are deeply ingrained in their psychology. It takes a great deal of time and immersion in treatment in order to adjust a person’s thought and behavioral patterns, which is why residential rehab is most effective.


safe secure addiction treatmentThose who check into a residential rehab facility will find their experience secure and safe. Many people who check into rehab have anxiety about the time they will spend there. However, mere days inside the treatment center will show them that a residential rehab center is one of the safest places they can possibly be. In an inpatient addiction center, clients will find protection from their addiction, from things that trigger or influence their addiction, from instruments that can be used for self harm and from public exposure of their addition. Rehab centers across North America, regardless of whether they are government funded rehabs in the United States or a luxury rehab Canada, will ensure total security for their clients.

First and foremost, clients will be protected from their addiction while they are in rehabilitation. Many people who consider addiction to be a choice may not understand this concept. In reality, when someone is severely addicted to something that can harm them, they need protection from it because they are not in control of their choices or their behaviors. This is literally accomplished by locking the person inside the facility and monitoring them to make sure they do not gain access to their addiction. This includes protection from addiction triggers, such as bars or drug dealers, and from addiction influences, such as party friends or abusive relationships.

It is policy at most residential rehabs to lock up knives and other sharp things that could be used for the purpose of self-harm or harming someone else. This is to physically protect all the clients and staff members within the facility. If someone has a history of suicidal tendencies, they will be put on suicide watch. There is a staff person present at the rehab center at all times to monitor clients, assist with suicide watch, be present in the event of an emergency or simply to be there for the clients if they are in crisis. Clients only have access to medications through staff members, who dispense it from a secure safe at scheduled times of day.

Residential Drug rehab also offers protection to client’s reputations. Inpatient addiction facilities have strict privacy policies that protect the client’s anonymity so as not to give away their identity or draw public attention to them. This is particularly important for high profile clientele who could be professionally and personally ruined if word of their addiction were to become public knowledge.

The Success of Inpatient Addiction Treatment

successful residential rehabRealizing that you or someone you love needs addiction treatment can be overwhelming and daunting. It is hard enough coping with the emotional realization, let alone trying to understand what kind of treatment is right for you. There are a vast number of treatment options ranging from 90-day residential rehabilitation to luxury drug and alcohol addiction treatment to optional support group meetings. If you are looking for the treatment option that is statistically proven to prevent relapse, inpatient residential treatment is the way to go. Addiction treatment at an inpatient rehab is more immersive, intensive and personalized than any other form of treatment available.

The main success factor to inpatient treatment is its live-in accommodations under lock down, which physically keep the addict away from their addiction. There is no more effective way of allowing the addict to recall what it feels like to live without addiction. Inpatient addiction treatment filters the addict’s experiences through the lens of constant positive reinforcement and a strong support system. The long, uninterrupted duration of treatment makes the recovery process very immersive, which makes recovery a realistic state of mind for the addict.

The treatment itself is also very intensive at an inpatient rehab. The addiction therapy sessions are frequent, both in individual and group settings, giving the recovering addict the opportunity to share their struggles with compassionate listeners and receive valuable advice. A quality inpatient rehab will make use of proven methods and current materials in its treatment, as well as employ knowledgeable staff who are qualified to help people through the recovery process. This level of addiction treatment boasts a high success rate and clients who leave ready to manage the triggers that used to make them relapse.

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, the treatment at an inpatient rehab facility is tailored to your needs. Upon entry into the facility, the client will be interviewed about their addictions, their mental hardships and generally who they are. This information will be used to select particular treatment materials, therapies and activities that appeal to the client and apply to their circumstances. This ensures that their personal recovery needs are met and they are able to return to their lives with the skills needed to resist their addiction.


personalized treatment

Treatment at a residential rehab will be more personalized than any other form of addiction treatment. Because of the duration and the intensity of the treatment, the rehab staff are more able to lend focus to each individual in the program. The level of personalization depends largely on the operating budget of the rehab. Government funded rehabs typically have many more clients than they do staff members, so the personalization of the treatment is considerably less. Private rehabs with a higher operating budget will have more staff members than clients, making it much easier to see to every individual’s personal needs.

Clients are able to form closer relationships with staff members at an inpatient rehab as opposed to undergoing outpatient treatment. This is primarily because the length of the treatment allows for more interaction between the clients and the staff members. Staff have more time to converse with each client and they come to understand them much better than they would in a support group setting. This is valuable to recovering addicts because the stronger they are to a healthy support system, the more likely they are to succeed in their recovery.

In a good quality residential rehab, every client’s treatment plan will be tailored to their individual needs. This is essential to the recovery of severe addicts or people with disorders and mental illnesses because the same recovery plan that works for minor addiction cases will not work for them. At a quality rehab, an evaluation of each client will be performed at the time of check in to assess the client’s personal history, personality and addictive tendencies. Counseling sessions, discussions, workbooks and reading materials will then be planned for the client based on their personal needs.

It is also important to keep in mind that any given inpatient treatment program may work for one person and not for another. There is always a choice in the matter of which rehabilitation center the client checks in to, and considerable time should be spent selecting the facility that suits the individual’s needs best.


intensive addiction treatment
Another reason for the success of inpatient addiction treatment is how intensive it is. Residential inpatient addiction treatment centers follow precise schedules and treatment plans to ensure that everything the client does is tied to their recovery, healthy living or clean fun and downtime. This teaches them good decision making, psychologically sound thought patterns and a generally healthy way of living.
Residential rehabilitation involves a very concentrated focus on recovery. Much of the client’s time will be spent with counselors or facilitators going over readings, workbooks or psychological recovery topics that are meant to work the client through why they are addicted and how to end their addiction. A priority is put on down time, relaxation and privacy as well, but there is a great deal of work and responsibility expected of the client.
Counseling and therapeutic ventures make up a large portion of the client’s time as well. Group and individual therapy are frequent sessions held for the clients. Depending on the budget of the rehab, there may be more group therapy time as opposed to individual therapy time, but letting everyone share and express themselves will be heavily emphasized for all clients. Therapeutic adventures meant to help the client relax and heal may include animal therapy, outdoor recreation, gardening, yoga or many other relaxing fun, activities.
And lastly, the material used to treat each client at a quality residential rehab will be current and modern, created by professional psychologists in order to give the client an insightful, in-depth treatment plan. Every residential rehab operates under slightly different philosophies. Some are religious, some are spiritual, some are hollistic and some simply follow current psychology. The managers of the rehab use material created by expert psychologists and mental professionals who share the same philosophies that the rehab operates under. The better quality the rehab is, the more personalized, current and in-depth the treatment material will be.


immersed in addiction treatmentResidential rehabilitation is effective in-part because it is very immersive. The extended inpatient treatment style surrounds the client’s life and eliminates concerns about the outside world, enabling the client to focus solely on their recovery. The purpose behind this style of treatment is to surround the client with a different world than the world their addiction thrives in. One of the reasons addiction is so powerful is because people have free reign in their day-to-day lives to indulge in their addiction, so escaping its grasp long enough to change one’s way of thinking is nearly impossible. Inpatient rehabilitation physically separates a person from their addiction because they submit to lockdown inside a safe facility where there is no access to their addiction.

Because a person’s thought patterns are unhealthy when they are heavily addicted, and because addiction so often occurs in tandum with disorders and mental illnesses, the treatment and the staff of a residential rehab is there to help the client interpret and reinterpret their life events. This oversight of objectivity and clarity is critical to adjusting the client’s thought patterns and behaviors and make them healthier. Treatment that is outpatient or sporadic is less effective in this way because the client is still heavily immersed in their old thought patterns.

The mere duration of the treatment is essential to its success. A person’s thought patterns do not change overnight. There are many exercises the recovering addict should go through in order to ensure changes to their behaviors and thought patterns. Statistically, the longer the treatment goes, the more effective it is. When treatment is brief or continuously interrupted, it allows for opportunities to fall back into old patterns. To summarize, residential rehabilitation is the method of addiction treatment that offers the most separation from the addiction itself, and the most immersion into a healthy lifestyle.